Hulda Minthorn Hoover

born in 1848 AD; died in 1884 AD (age ~36)

mother of Herbert Hoover

Quotes (About)

In any other denomination [Huldah Minthorn Hoover] would have become an ordained pastor; among the Quakers she had no title or parish or renumeration, except in the love of those whom she instructed.

  • Eugene Lyons
  • During a winter cold snap when he was two years old, Herbert fell victim to the croup, a viral infection that inflames the larynx and obstructs breathing... Jesse fetched Dr. Henry John Minthorn, Hulda's brother and one of two physicians in West Branch. Minthorn ministered to his nephew by lamplight through most of an icy night... When the patient seemed better, Minthorn left to make an urgent call in the countryside. The attacks resumed while he was away... [Herbert] turned blue, stopped breathing entirely, and was given up for dead... [Minthorn] dashed back to his sister's, where he was greeted at the door with the cry "Bertie is gone!"... [Minthorn] used either mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or his finger, or some combination of both, to clear Bertie's throat and coax another coughing fit. The child's breath was restored, and the doctor handed him over to his mother, saying "Here's your boy."

  • by Kenneth Whyte
  • about Herbert Hoover, Dr. Henry John Minthorn, Jesse Hoover, Hulda Minthorn Hoover