Homir Munn

Quotes (Authored)

"Wouldn't you rather read a history where they skipped the silly, tragic parts?"

"Yes, I would," Munn assured her, gravely. "But it wouldn't be a fair history, would it, Arkady? You'd never get academic respect, unless you gave the whole story."

"Oh, poof. Who cares about academic respect?" She found him delightful. He hadn't missed calling her Arkady for days. "My novels are going to be interesting and are going to sell and be famous. What's the use of writing books unless you sell them and become well-known? I don't want just some old professors to know me. It's got to be everybody."

Her eyes darkened with pleasure at the thought and she wriggled into a more comfortable position.

  • Isaac Asimov, Arcadia "Arkady" Darell, Homir Munn
  • It's always easy to explain the unknown by postulating a superhuman and arbitrary will.

  • Isaac Asimov, Homir Munn