Randolph Jefferson

Quotes (About)

When he became twenty-one Thomas was to have either the lands on the Rivanna or the Fluvanna as he should choose, along with a proper share of the lifestock, half of the slaves not otherwise disposed of, and the residue of the estate. The lands that he did not choose were to go ultimately to his brother Randolph, along with a similar portion of the slaves and stock. As the residuary legatee he got the larger share, but the distribution of property between him and his young brother was certainly far more equitable than the distribution of talents. Thomas also got his father's books, mathematical instruments, cherry-tree desk and bookcase; and his designated servant, the "mulatto fellow Sawney," was the most valuable slave.

  • by Dumas Malone
  • about Thomas Jefferson, Peter Jefferson, Randolph Jefferson
  • Because of the death of the two infant boys at Tuckahoe, daughters predominated in the household and there was a distinct gap between the five older children [Jane, Mary, Thomas, Elizabeth, Martha] and the three younger [Lucy, Anna Scott, Randolph], who were born after the return to Shadwell.

  • by Dumas Malone
  • about Thomas Jefferson, Randolph Jefferson, Martha Jefferson Carr, Jane Jefferson, Mary Jefferson Bolling, Elizabeth Jefferson, Lucy Jefferson Lewis, Anne Scott Jefferson Marks