
kid whose arm Ender breaks on the shuttle; early adversary

Quotes (About)

There were times when Ender was very angry. With Bernard, of course, anger was inadequate. It was the kind of person he was—a tormentor. What enraged Ender was how willingly the others went along with him. Surely they knew there was no justice in Bernard's revenge.

  • by Orson Scott Card
  • about Ender Wiggin, Bernard
  • Dap turned and left, and the room filled with laughter.

    Bernard's attempt to be ruler of the room was broken—only a few stayed with him now. But they were the most vicious... Still, the tampering with the system had done its work. Bernard was contained, and all the boys who had some quality were free of him. Best of all, Ender had done it without sending him to the hospital. Much better this way.

  • by Orson Scott Card
  • about Ender Wiggin, Bernard, Dap