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  "title": "Herbert Hoover",
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      "subtitle": "A Biography",
      "title": "Herbert Hoover",
      "type": "BOOK",
      "year": "1947",
      "notes": "The author's second biography of Hoover. Reads a lot like a hagiography, does not cite any specific claims or give sources beyond a general bibliography, and contains at least one direct assertion of an incorrect fact (saying that Hoover's mother did not have any title within the Quaker organization).",
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      "yearBorn": "1898",
      "yearDied": "1985",
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      "notes": null,
      "bio": "Russian-born American journalist and critic of the USSR",
      "createdAt": "2023-09-23T23:51:56.304Z",
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      "linkWikipedia": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Lyons",
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    "name": "Easton Press",
    "location": "Norwalk, Connecticut",
    "url": "https://www.eastonpress.com",
    "notes": "America's premier publisher of leatherbound books",
    "createdAt": "2023-08-24T00:02:22.000Z",
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          "content": "Dr. Minthorn had practically demanded that his sister's boy be surrendered to him. His only son had just died and it seemed to him right that one of Huldah's orphans be sent to fill that place in his home and heart.",
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          "content": "In any other denomination [Huldah Minthorn Hoover] would have become an ordained pastor; among the Quakers she had no title or parish or renumeration, except in the love of those whom she instructed.",
          "notes": "this assertion is contradicted by other biographies and by the website of the Herbert Hoover National Historical Site https://www.nps.gov/people/hulda-minthorn-hoover.htm, which claim that she _was_ an ordained minister",
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          "content": "He brought tremendous gifts to hundreds of millions of children on all continents, in bread and milk and new hope. But the greatest gift of all is the example of his own life and character. Youth craves and needs heroes. We who are no longer young can honor his memory best by helping a new generation to understand the shining integrity, the moral greatness, of Herbert Hoover.",
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          "content": "\"He is a simple, modest, energetic man who began his career in California and will end it in Heaven; and he doesn't want anybody's thanks,\" Ambassador Page reported to President Wilson at the start of the Belgian Relief.",
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          "content": "In August 1921, at the request of Secretary of Commerce Hoover, representatives of many social work agencies met in Washington to plan cooperation on the Russian appeal... At one point in the proceedings a woman raised doubts about the wisdom of the whole business.\n\n\"Mr. Secretary,\" she said, \"aren't we going to help Bolshevism by feeding these people?\"\n\nHoover's renowned calm broke down. He sprang to his feet and banged the table angrily. \"Twenty million people are starving,\" he exclaimed. \"Whatever their politics, they shall be fed!\"",
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          "content": "Measured by accomplishment and ability, Hoover holds commanding rank. If five Americans were to be selected on the basis of merit and ability to devise remedies for the present condition of the world—Hoover's name would head the list.",
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